Category: Documents Links etc
Competition Programs
ATA National Touch Championships Gold Coast 1994 (click image to download pdf of the program)
Year books from the 1980s
In 1981 NSW TFA published a year book and directory. It was mainly details on important state and national competitions that had occurred to date. The complete book is 265 pages long (but every second page is advertising) and includes details of every NSW touch district. Click on each picture to download desired pdf (may…
Documents, books etc. Links to previously published documents and books written on the history of Touch Football. Please see individual pages via menu
Touch Football Australia
Australian Touch Association history 1967 to 2000 Note: It is not a complete history of touch in Australia, but a history of the national body.
Useful links Cary Thompson’s Almanac In depth statistical history of national and international touch competitions, plus other insightful information. Wikipedia : Touch Background to Touch and history for some countries Wikipedia : Touch Rugby Facebook group for Touch Football History : for anyone to upload photos, videos, and stories relating to Touch Football / Touch Rugby…