Deaf Touch Football

Facebook page for Deaf Touch Football Australia

Deaf Touch Football Australia was established in 2012 as a result of a collaboration of Touch Football enthusiasts who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and their families/friends.

The governance is supported by Touch Football Australia who has accepted Deaf Touch Football Australia as a independent committee within its structure.  This is a unique concept for the way Deaf Sports are operated in Australia as for Deaf Touch Football Australia to operate without the full constraints of an incorporated association, it was able to sit within the national body structure as an operation supported by a committee. The committee in this governance model are responsible for ensuring that their operations are budget neutral, oversee the development of the sport, advise on partnership opportunities to promote the sport to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Australians, direct national events, and organise the national teams along with any tours.

Deaf Touch Football Australia is a full member of Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) using its unique management model.