Other touch versions

For a few different reasons variants of touch football have been developed.

All Abilities Touch

All Abilities Touch Football Program is a completely inclusive program that provides opportunity for people with intellectual and/or physical impairments to learn Touch skills and play the sport with their family members, carers, friends, elite footy players and the wider community.

Beach Touch

Due to the Australian climate and many cities and towns proximity to beaches, it was inevitable that this form of touch would be developed. It has generally been formed as a subset of normal touch and run by official touch associations since the 1980s.

The rules are much the same as touch, except player numbers are often different.

NRL League Touch

NRL League Touch is an alternate format of Touch Football, which has been jointly developed by Touch Football Australia (TFA) and the NRL. The reintroduction of old-school touch footy rules, such as having a marker and a kick, slow the game down, making it even more accessible to people of all ages and sizes.