Tag: touch football

  • Home

    This website is maintained in Brisbane, Australia and focuses, at first, on the history of Touch Football in Brisbane. The history on this website is not limited to Brisbane, so anyone can contribute their Touch Football history – see the “Contact us” page. The long term vision is to have a central website for Touch…

  • Development of Rugby / Touch

    How Touch Football came about from various forms of Rugby The origins of touch football cannot be discussed without reference to rugby league and rugby union, as touch football is a non-contact version of rugby league. Over the years though, touch football rules have been adjusted such that touch football is now a game in…

  • Brisbane Touch Football Association (BTFA) 1973 to 1983

    The first Queensland Touch Football Association Pre 1973 In the early 1970s a group of old mates and ex rugby league football players started playing touch at MacGregor High School. They simply had a couple of teams and threw a ball around against each other. (Later many of those players formed the Magregoroos Touch club.)…